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  4. by Keith A. Garrett
  8. The following is an index of subjects covered in GEnie LiveWire Magazine
  9. during 1994. You can print it out for quick reference, use a word processor
  10. to SEARCH for favorite topics, memorize the entire thing, or have it bound so 
  11. the kids can enjoy it for years to come. Regular readers might spot articles
  12. they (somehow) overlooked, while GEnie initiates may want to read up on 
  13. specific services of interest.  (For GEnie Page numbers and keywords, either
  14. see the appropriate article or use the GEnie Index -- keyword INDEX, Page 15.
  15. Note that the GEnie Index is free of standard connect charges.)
  17. At the end of the index is a listing of all the 1994 issues of LiveWire,
  18. including file names, numbers, and sizes. Remember that you can download
  19. current and back issues of LiveWire free of connect charges at up to 2400 bps
  20. on evenings, weekends, and holidays.
  22.                                                                       LiveWire
  23. SUBJECT                         ARTICLE                                  ISSUE
  24. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  25. 3-D Stereograms                 Tantalizing Treats For the Eye            9409
  26. A2 University                   Apple II RoundTable                       9408
  27. Account Security                GEnie Magic: Access and Security          9411
  28. Adventure Atlas                 Planning the Great Escape                 9404
  29. Air Force Small Business        Very Personal Finances               9403/9404
  30.  RoundTable
  31. Air Warrior                     The GEnie Gamer: Air Warrior              9403
  32.                                 Interaction: The Key to Multi-Player      9406
  33.                                  Games
  34. Aladdin Scripts                 Member Spotlight on Jim Lubin             9402
  35.                                 Aladdin Scripts: Reveal More of GEnie!    9403
  36. American West RoundTable        Resolutions and Fresh Starts!             9401
  37.                                 LiveWire Hot Notes                        9410
  38. Amiga RoundTable                Amiga *StarShip* RoundTable                All
  39. Apple II RoundTable             Apple II RoundTable                        All
  40. Apple CD-ROM                    Apple II RoundTable                       9404
  41. Archive Photos Library          Tantalizing Treats For the Eye            9409
  42. Art                             Computer Cartoon Lessons                  9405
  43.                                 Censorship and the Arts: A Month-Long     9406
  44.                                  Symposium
  45.                                 Comic Books on Your Screen                9410
  46. ARTIST Gateway System
  47.      Bibliographic Citations    ARTIST: A Citation You'll WANT to Receive 9401
  48.       Center
  49.      Bookshelf                  ARTIST: Summertime Reading                9406
  50.      Commerce Business Daily    ARTIST: Doing Business With Uncle Sam     9412
  51.      Consumer Medicine          Spring Tonics in Consumer Medicine        9405
  52.      Consumer Medicine          ARTIST: GEnie is Good Medicine            9411
  53.      Dialog Information         ARTIST: A Citation You'll WANT to Receive 9401
  54.       Services
  55.      Educator's Center          ARTIST: GEnie: Your Education Resource    9409
  56.                                  Center
  57.      Knowbot                    GEnie Town Library                        9404
  58.      NewsStand                  ARTIST: Good News on GEnie                9408
  59.      People Magazine            We the People                             9412
  60.      Peterson's College Guide   ARTIST: GEnie: Your Education Resource    9409
  61.                                  Center
  62.      Quotations Online          ARTIST: A Citation You'll WANT to Receive 9401
  63.      Reference Center           GEnie Town Library                        9404
  64.                                 ARTIST: Check Your References on GEnie    9410
  65.      U.S. Federal Center        GEnie's ARTISTs Make a Federal Case       9407
  66. Atari ST RoundTable             Atari ST RoundTable                        All
  67. Atlantafest                     Atlantafest Gathers GEnie Family          9407
  68. Backgammon Tournaments          From the Editor                           9403
  69.                                 LiveWire Hot Notes                        9410
  70.                                 Livewire Hot Notes                        9412
  71. BattleTech                      The GEnie Gamer: Go Ahead, Mech My Day    9411
  72. BBS & Telecommunications        IBM-Compatible RoundTables                9406
  73.  RoundTable
  74. Beer
  75.      International Bier         Resolutions and Fresh Starts!             9401 
  76.       Competition
  77.      Zymurgy RoundTable         What's Brewing on GEnie?                  9402
  78. Belfry Club Golf Course         Spotlight: Virtual Golf Tournament        9401
  79. Bibliographic Citations Center  ARTIST: A Citation You'll WANT to Receive 9401
  80. Billing                         GEnie Magic: Access and Security          9411
  81. Black Enchantress               Comic Books on Your Screen                9410
  82. BMW Motorcycle Owners of        Moving Right Along                        9403
  83.  America
  84. Bookshelf                       ARTIST: Summertime Reading                9406
  85. Bridge                          The GEnie Gamer: It's in the Cards!       9404
  86. Bridge Tournament               LiveWire Hot Notes                        9410
  87. British Isles RoundTable        Tantalizing Treats For the Eye            9409
  88.                                 British Isles RoundTable                  9411
  89. Broadcast Multimedia            Broadcast Multimedia: NBC Goes Online     9406
  90.                                 From the Editor                           9407
  91. CALC Online Campus (Computer    CALC Spring Term Courses                  9404
  92.  Assisted Learning Center)      An Online Education                       9408
  93.                                 CALC Online Campus                        9412
  94. Canada                          From the Editor                           9409
  95. Canada RoundTable               Resolutions and Fresh Starts!             9401
  96. Canadian Television             Inside CTV -- Canadian TV Comes to GEnie  9408
  97. Cards                           The GEnie Gamer: It's in the Cards!       9404
  98. Cartooning                      Computer Cartoon Lessons                  9405
  99. CD-ROM                          Apple II RoundTable                       9404
  100. Censorship                      Censorship and the Arts: A Month-Long     9406
  101.                                  Symposium
  102. Charles Schwab Brokerage        Very Personal Finances                    9403
  103.  Services
  104. Chat Lines                      Resolutions and Fresh Starts!             9401
  105.                                 Beating the Winter Blues                  9402
  106.                                 GEnie Magic: Real-Time Conferencing       9410
  107. Chemistry RoundTable            Pure Chemistry                            9409
  108. Chess Tournaments               The GEnie Gamer: FedII                    9402
  109. Christmas Files                 Behind the Scenes at the North Pole       9411
  110.                                 Apple II RoundTable                       9411
  111. Clark, Keith                    From the Editor                           9411
  112. Coin Collecting                 LiveWire Hot Notes                        9412
  113. College Guide, Peterson's       ARTIST: GEnie: Your Education Resource    9409
  114.                                  Center       
  115. Comic Books                     Comic Books on Your Screen                9410
  116. Commerce Business Daily         ARTIST: Doing Business With Uncle Sam     9412
  117. Consumer Medicine               Spring Tonics in Consumer Medicine        9404
  118. Contract Bridge                 The GEnie Gamer: It's in the Cards!       9404
  119. Croatia                         Moving Right Along                        9403
  120. Croatia Conferences             From the Editor                           9403
  121. CTV Television Network          Inside CTV -- Canadian TV Comes to GEnie  9408
  122. Cyberspace -- see Multimedia, Desktop Video, and Virtual Reality RoundTable
  123. Cyberstrike                     GEnie Gamer: Fun on the Infobahn          9412
  124. Data Communications and Inter-  Networking Big and Small                  9402
  125.  connectivity RoundTable
  126. Deutschland RoundTable          Resolutions and Fresh Starts!             9401
  127.  (Germany & Europe)             Oktoberfest on GEnie                      9409
  128. Dialog Database Center          Invest in an ARTIST                       9403
  129. Dialog Information Services     ARTIST: A Citation You'll WANT to Receive 9401
  130. Dow Jones News Retrieval        Very Personal Finances                    9403
  131. Downloading                     GEnie Magic: Downloading                  9406
  132.                                 LiveWire Hot Notes                        9410
  133.                                 LiveWire Hot Notes                        9411
  134. Dragon's Gate                   Interaction: The Key to Multi-Player      9406
  135.                                  Games
  136.                                 The GEnie Gamer: Stop Dragon my Heart     9410
  137.                                  Around
  138. Earthquake                      The Day the Earth Shook                   9403
  139. Editing Messages                GEnie Magic: Line Editing                 9408
  140. Education RoundTable            An Online Education                       9408
  141. Educator's Center               ARTIST: GEnie: Your Education Resource 
  142.                                  Center                                   9409
  143. Eire -- see British Isles RoundTable
  144. Electronics                     Rediscovering the Radio & Electronics     9408
  145.                                  RoundTable
  146. Email -- see GE Mail
  147. Emergency RoundTable            Emergency RT: You're Never Alone          9409
  148. England -- see British Isles RoundTable
  149. Federation II                   Interaction: The Key to Multi-Player      9406
  150.                                  Games
  151.                                 GEnie Gamer: Fun on the Infobahn          9412
  152.      Idiot's Guide              The GEnie Gamer: FedII                    9402
  153.      Player-planets             The GEnie Gamer: FedII                    9402
  154. Finances                        Very Personal Finances                    9404
  155. Finding Things Online           GEnie Magic: Finding Things Online        9409
  156. Front End Software
  157.      Cyberstrike                GEnie Gamer: Fun on the Infobahn          9412
  158.      Island of Kesmai           Island and MUD II: Two New Multi-Player   9406
  159.                                  Games
  160.      Macintosh                  GEnie's New GUI For Macintosh!            9403
  161.      MultiPlayer Battletech     The GEnie Gamer: Go Ahead, Mech My Day    9411
  162.      NTN Trivia                 The GEnie Gamer: Nothing Trivial          9407
  163.      Orb Wars                   The GEnie Gamer: Orb Wars                 9409
  164.      Skirzy                     The GEnie Gamer II: Yogland Adventure     9409
  165.      Windows                    New GEnie Front End Goes Windows          9404
  166. Games                           The GEnie Gamer Department                9402,
  167.                                                                      9405-9412
  168. Games RoundTable                The GEnie Gamer: Scorpia's Domain         9401
  169.                                 The GEnie Gamer: The Most Fun You Can     9406
  170.                                  Have With Your Modem Off
  171. GE Mail                         GEnie Magic: The Wonders of GE Mail       9407
  172. GemStone III                    Resolutions and Fresh Starts!             9401
  173.                                 Interaction: The Key to Multi-Player      9406
  174.                                  Games
  175. GEnie Faire                     From the Editor                           9405
  176. GEnieLamp                       Light Up a GEnieLamp                      9405
  177. GEnie Mall                      The GEnie Mall                    All but 9403
  178. GEnie Online Quilters           Emergency RT: You're Never Alone          9409
  179.                                 September Special Events                  9409
  180. GENIEus (the GEnie User's       Beating the Winter Blues                  9402
  181.  RoundTable)
  182. GEtogethers                     Virtual Communities                       9404
  183.                                 Atlantafest Gathers GEnie Family          9407
  184. Germany & Europe RoundTable     Resolutions and Fresh Starts!             9401
  185.                                 Oktoberfest on GEnie                      9409
  186. Gila Queen's Guide to Markets   Small World in a Big Universe             9412
  187. Golf                            Spotlight: Virtual Golf Tournament        9401
  188. Graphical User Interface (GUI)  GEnie's New GUI For Macintosh!            9403
  189.                                 New GEnie Front End Goes Windows          9404
  190.                                 -- see also Front End Software
  191. Graphics                        Tantalizing Treats For the Eye            9409
  192. Graphic Formats                 IBM-Compatible RoundTables                9409
  193.                                 Macintosh RoundTable                      9409
  194. Grateful Dead, The              LiveWire Hot Notes                        9412
  195. Halloween                       Haunting Experiences                      9410
  196. Headline News                   NetSearch                         All but 9406
  197. Hobbies                         Beating the Winter Blues                  9402
  198. Home Office/Small Business      Very Personal Finances               9403/9404
  199.  RoundTable
  200. Hot Summer Nights               5th Annual Hot Summer Nights              9407
  201.                                 Hot Summer Nights Fun                     9408
  202. Hundred Years War               The GEnie Gamer: The Hundred Years War    9405
  203. IBM-Compatible RoundTables      IBM-Compatible RoundTables                 All
  204. IBM PC RoundTable               IBM-Compatible RoundTables                 All
  205.                                 IBMPC RoundTable                          9403
  206. IBM Product Support RoundTable  IBM-Compatible RoundTables           9401-9405
  207. ICONference (International      Apple II RoundTable                  9407/9408
  208.  Computer Owners Network
  209.  Summer Conference)
  210. Inside CTV RoundTable           Inside CTV -- Canadian TV Comes to GEnie  9408
  211. Internet Access Service         Repaving the Information Highway          9412
  212. Investor's RoundTable           Very Personal Finances                    9403
  213. Island of Kesmai                Island and MUD II: Two New Multi-Player   9406
  214.                                  Games
  215.                                 GEnie Gamer: Fun on the Infobahn          9412
  216. Jack Nicklaus Signature         Spotlight: Virtual Golf Tournament        9401
  217.  Edition Golf
  218. Japan RoundTable                Resolutions and Fresh Starts!             9401
  219. Jobs                            Very Personal Finances                    9404
  220. Kansas Fest                     Apple II RoundTable                  9407/9408
  221. Keywords                        GEnie Magic: Keywords and Pages           9412
  222. Knowbot                         GEnie Town Library                        9404
  223. Kumbaya Festival RoundTable     From the Editor                           9409
  224. Local Area Networks (LANs)      Networking Big and Small                  9402
  225. Laptops RoundTable              IBM-Compatible RoundTables      9401,9403,9404
  226.                                 Laptops RoundTable                        9402
  227. Ledlow, Larry                   From the Editor                           9403
  228.                                 Moving Right Along                        9403
  229. Letters From Santa              Behind the Scenes at the North Pole       9411
  230. LiveWire
  231.      Multimedia LiveWire Team   From the Editor                           9401
  232.      Multimedia Tools Used      From the Editor                           9401
  233.      Publication Process        From the Editor                           9401
  234. Lubin, Jim                      Member Spotlight on Jim Lubin             9402
  235. Lurking                         Virtual Communities                       9404
  236. Macintosh Front End             GEnie's New GUI For Macintosh!            9403
  237. Macintosh Product Support       Macintosh RoundTable                      9405
  238.  RoundTable
  239. Macintosh RoundTable            Macintosh RoundTable                       All
  240.      Software Library           Macintosh RoundTable                      9408
  241.       Enhancements
  242. MacPro RoundTable               Macintosh RoundTable                      9402
  243. Mall                            The GEnie Mall                    All but 9403
  244. Microsoft RoundTable            IBM RoundTable             9405,9407,9408,9412
  245. MIDI                            The Sound of GEnie                        9410
  246. MIDI Composers Workshop (MCW)   Small World in a Big Universe             9412
  247. MidWest RoundTable              Resolutions and Fresh Starts!             9401
  248. MOD                             The Sound of GEnie                        9410
  249. MUD II                          Island and MUD II: Two New Multi-Player   9406
  250.                                  Games
  251.                                 GEnie Gamer: Fun on the Infobahn          9412
  252. Motorcycling RoundTable         Resolutions and Fresh Starts!             9401
  253.                                 Moving Right Along                        9403
  254. Movies                          Sysop Spotlight on Bill Warren            9404
  255. Multimedia                      Broadcast Multimedia: NBC Goes Online     9406
  256.                                 From the Editor                           9407
  257. Multimedia, Desktop Video,      IBM-Compatible RoundTables           9406,9407, 
  258.  and Virtual Reality RoundTable                                      9410,9411
  259. MultiPlayer BattleTech          The GEnie Gamer: Go Ahead, Mech My Day    9411
  260. Multi-Player Games RoundTable   The GEnie Gamer: Scorpia's Domain         9401
  261.                                 Interaction: The Key to Multi-Player      9406
  262.                                  Games
  263. Music                           IBM-Compatible RoundTables                9410
  264.                                 Macintosh RoundTable                      9410
  265.                                 Amiga *StarShip* RoundTable               9410
  266.                                 Atari ST RoundTable                       9410
  267.                                 Apple II RoundTable                       9410
  268. Mustang RoundTable              IBM RoundTables                      9405,9407
  269. Navigating GEnie                GEnie Magic: Keywords and Pages           9412
  270. NBC Online RoundTable           Broadcast Multimedia: NBC Goes Online     9406
  271. NeedleArts RoundTable           NeedleArts RoundTable Presents            9409
  272.                                  NeedleFest 1994
  273. NeedleFest                      NeedleArts RoundTable Presents            9409
  274.                                  NeedleFest 1994
  275. NetSearch                       NetSearch                         All but 9406
  276. New Age RoundTable              A RoundTable for the New Age              9408
  277. NewsStand                       Resolutions and Fresh Starts!        9401,9402
  278.                                 ARTIST: Good News on GEnie                9408
  279. NetGuide Magazine               From the Editor                           9411
  280. Networking                      Networking Big and Small                  9402
  281. New Members' Practice           New GEnie Practice Area!                  9407
  282.  RoundTable
  283. Newton RoundTable               The New... New... Newton RoundTable       9407
  284. NTN Trivia                      The GEnie Gamer: Nothing Trivial          9407
  285. Oktoberfest                     Oktoberfest on GEnie                      9409
  286. Online Campus -- see CALC
  287. On-Line Cartooning and          Computer Cartoon Lessons                  9405
  288.  Caricaturing Course (OLCCC)
  289. Orb Wars                        The GEnie Gamer: Orb Wars                 9409
  290. OS/2 RoundTable                 OS/2 RoundTable                   All but 9402
  291. Page Numbers                    GEnie Magic: Keywords and Pages           9412
  292. Passwords                       GEnie Magic: Access and Security          9411
  293. People Magazine                 We the People                             9412
  294. Peterson's College Guide        ARTIST: GEnie: Your Education Resource    9409
  295.                                  Center
  296. Photo & Video RoundTable        Tantalizing Treats For the Eye            9409
  297. Power PC RoundTable             Macintosh RoundTable                      9405
  298. Practice RoundTable             New GEnie Practice Area!                  9407
  299. Product Performance Awards      From the Editor                           9402
  300. Programming and Programming     New Programmers RoundTable                9401
  301.  Languages RoundTable
  302. Ptacek, Kathryn                 Small World in a Big Universe             9412
  303. Quotations Online               ARTIST: A Citation You'll WANT to Receive 9401
  304. Radio, Electronics, and         Rediscovering the Radio & Electronics     9408
  305.  Broadcasting RoundTable         RoundTable
  306. Real-Time Conferences           GEnie Magic: Real-Time Conferencing       9410
  307.                                 GEnie Magic: Keywords and Pages           9412
  308. Reference Center                GEnie Town Library                        9404
  309.                                 ARTIST: Check Your References on GEnie    9410
  310. Regional RoundTables            Resolutions and Fresh Starts!             9401
  311.  (American West, USA East, and
  312.  USA MidWest)
  313. Research and Reference          Research Landscape: View from the Heights 9402
  314.  Services
  315. RSCARDS                         Resolutions and Fresh Starts!             9401
  316.                                 The GEnie Gamer: It's in the Cards!       9404
  317.      Backgammon Tournaments     From the Editor                           9403
  318.                                 LiveWire Hot Notes                        9410
  319.                                 LiveWire Hot Notes                        9412
  320.      Bridge Tournament          LiveWire Hot Notes                        9410
  321. Ryder Cup Golf Tournament       Spotlight: Virtual Golf Tournament        9401
  322. Samples                         The Sound of GEnie                        9410
  323.                                 IBM-Compatible RoundTables                9410
  324.                                 Macintosh RoundTable                      9410
  325.                                 Atari ST RoundTable                       9410
  326.                                 Apple II RoundTable                       9410
  327. Santa Claus                     Behind the Scenes at the North Pole       9411
  328. Scavenger Hunt                  Haunting Experiences                      9410
  329. Science Fiction and Fantasy     Uncle Yog's Story Hour                    9405
  330.  RoundTables                    Science Fiction and Fantasy Action        9410
  331. Science Fiction and Fantasy     The GEnie Gamer II: Yogland Adventure     9409
  332.  RoundTable Three
  333. Scorpia                         The GEnie Gamer: Scorpia's Domain         9401
  334.                                 Moving Right Along                        9403
  335.                                 -- see also Games RoundTable
  336. Scotland -- see British Isles RoundTable
  337. ShareWare Industry Awards       From the Editor: ShareWare Industry       9408
  338.                                  Awards
  339. Shareware Philosophy            Atari ST RoundTable                       9401
  340. ShowBiz RoundTable              Sysop Spotlight on Bill Warren            9404
  341. Skirzy                          The GEnie Gamer II: Yogland Adventure     9409
  342. SNICKERS (the Society of New    Computer Cartoon Lessons                  9405
  343.  & Improved Caricature Enthu-
  344.  siasts, Ralliers, & Supporters)
  345. Software Club                   The GEnie Gamer: FedII                    9402
  346.                                 The GEnie Gamer: The Most Fun You Can     9406
  347.                                  Have With Your Modem Off
  348. Sports RoundTable
  349.      Football Pool              From the Editor                           9403
  350.      Golf Team                  Spotlight: Virtual Golf Tournament        9401
  351. SprintNet                       From the Editor                           9411
  352. Stamp Collecting RoundTable     LiveWire Hot Notes                        9412
  353. Swanson, Gayle                  Spotlight on a Lady Viking                9411
  354. Taxes                           Invest in an ARTIST                       9403
  355.                                 Very Personal Finances               9403/9404
  356.      Tax Software and           Amiga *StarShip* RoundTable               9403
  357.       Information               Apple II RoundTable                       9403
  358.                                 Atari ST RoundTable                       9403
  359.                                 IBM-Compatible RoundTables                9403
  360.                                 IBMPC RoundTable                          9403
  361.                                 Macintosh RoundTable                      9403
  362. Tax RoundTable                  From the Editor                           9404
  363. Television                      Broadcast Multimedia: NBC Goes Online     9406
  364.                                 Inside CTV -- Canadian TV Comes to GEnie  9408
  365. TheFog                          Small World in a Big Universe             9412
  366. Travel RoundTable               Planning the Great Escape                 9404
  367. Travel Services                 Planning the Great Escape                 9404
  368. Trivia                          The GEnie Gamer: Nothing Trivial          9407
  369. Uncle Yog                       Uncle Yog's Story Hour                    9405
  370. USA East RoundTable             Resolutions and Fresh Starts!             9401
  371. USA MidWest RoundTable          Resolutions and Fresh Starts!             9401
  372. U.S. Federal Center             GEnie's ARTISTs Make a Federal Case       9407
  373. Vacations                       Planning the Great Escape                 9404
  374. Videogames RoundTable           Moving Right Along                        9403
  375. Virtual Communities             Amiga *StarShip* RoundTable               9404
  376.                                 Apple II RoundTable                       9404
  377.                                 Atari ST RoundTable                       9404
  378.                                 From the Editor                           9404
  379.                                 Macintosh RoundTable                      9404
  380.                                 Virtual Communities                       9404
  381. Visual Arts and Crafts          Computer Cartoon Lessons                  9405
  382.  RoundTable
  383. Wales -- see British Isles RoundTable
  384. Warren, Bill                    Sysop Spotlight on Bill Warren            9404
  385. Wide Area Networks (WANs)       Networking Big and Small                  9402
  386. Windows Front End               New GEnie Front End Goes Windows          9404
  387. Windows RoundTable              IBM-Compatible RoundTables                 All
  388. Wooten, Howard                  Small World in a Big Universe             9412
  389. WordPerfect for Windows         From the Editor                           9402
  390.  Magazine
  391. WordPerfect RoundTable          From the Editor            9402,9408,9409,9412
  392. WorkPlace RoundTable            Very Personal Finances               9403/9404
  393. Yogland                         The GEnie Gamer II: Yogland Adventure     9409
  394. Zymurgy RoundTable              What's Brewing on GEnie?                  9402
  401.                              THE 1994 LIVEWIRE ISSUES
  402.                         (Keyword LIVEWIRE -- GEnie Page 20)
  403. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  404.                       * Library: 1 - ASCII Text-Only Issues *
  406.                       (NOTE: Each issue is available in .LZH,
  407.                     .SIT, .ZIP, and uncompressed [.TXT] formats)
  409.                           No. File Name              Bytes  
  410.                         ----- ---------------------- -------
  411.                           196 LW9411.SIT              44928
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  414.                           190 LW9411.TXT             117888
  415.                           185 LW9410.SIT              50048
  416.                           181 LW9410.ZIP              52352
  417.                           180 LW9410.LZH              55808
  418.                           179 LW9410.TXT             129920
  419.                           175 LW9409.SIT              50048
  420.                           171 LW9409.ZIP              53120
  421.                           170 LW9409.LZH              56832
  422.                           169 LW9409.TXT             134656
  423.                           164 LW9408.SIT              51456
  424.                           162 LW9408.LZH              57984
  425.                           161 LW9408.ZIP              54400
  426.                           160 LW9408.TXT             137728
  427.                           154 LW9407.SIT              41728
  428.                           153 LW9407.ZIP              40960
  429.                           152 LW9407.LZH              46592
  430.                           151 LW9407.TXT             108672
  431.                           148 LW9406.SIT              42240
  432.                           145 LW9406.ZIP              45056
  433.                           144 LW9406.LZH              48256
  434.                           143 LW9406.TXT             115584
  435.                           139 LW9405.SIT              46208
  436.                           137 LW9405.LZH              51200
  437.                           136 LW9405.ZIP              48128
  438.                           135 LW9405.TXT             127488
  439.                           131 LW9404.SIT              48640
  440.                           126 LW9404.ZIP              51200
  441.                           125 LW9404.LZH              54528
  442.                           124 LW9404.TXT             125184
  443.                           121 LW9403.SIT              43392
  444.                           118 LW9403.ZIP              46720
  445.                           117 LW9403.LZH              49792
  446.                           116 LW9403.TXT             116224
  447.                           102 LW9402.SIT              39424
  448.                           101 LW9402.LZH              44032
  449.                           100 LW9402.ZIP              41216
  450.                            99 LW9402.TXT             101376
  451.                            91 LW9401.SIT              38784
  452.                            83 LW9401.LZH              43392
  453.                            82 LW9401.ZIP              40704
  454.                            79 LW9401.TXT              99584
  457.                    * Library: 2 - Multimedia Instructions (Text) *
  459.                            No. File Name              Bytes  
  460.                          ----- ---------------------- -------
  461.                            198 LW9411HP.TXT           16768
  462.                            188 LW9410HP.TXT           16256
  463.                            177 LW9409HP.TXT           15232
  464.                            167 LW9408HP.TXT           13568
  465.                            155 LW9407HP.TXT           13568
  466.                            149 LW9406HP.TXT           13568
  467.                            140 LW9405HP.TXT           13824
  468.                            128 LW9404HP.TXT           13824
  469.                            115 LW9403HP.TXT           13696
  470.                            103 LW294HLP.TXT           13056
  471.                             96 LW194HLP.TXT           12928
  474.                    * Library: 3 - IBM-Compatible Multimedia Issues *
  476.                            No. File Name              Bytes  
  477.                          ----- ---------------------- -------
  478.                            200 LW9411MM.EXE           560128
  479.                            182 LW9410MM.EXE           443520
  480.                            174 LW9409MM.EXE           512384
  481.                            166 LW9408MM.EXE           474240
  482.                            159 LW9407MM.EXE           483712
  483.                            150 LW9406MM.EXE           484096
  484.                            141 LW9405MM.EXE           454656
  485.                            130 LW9404MM.EXE           494336
  486.                            123 LW9403MM.EXE           490240
  487.                            104 LW0294MM.EXE           496896
  488.                             95 LW0194MM.EXE           509696
  491.                      * Library: 4 - Macintosh Multimedia Issues *
  493.                       (NOTE: If you don't have the latest version
  494.                       of Hypercard 2, you can use the stand-alone
  495.                       player available in file #114 HC MULTIMEDIA 
  496.                       PLAYER.SEA [436992 bytes])
  498.                            No. File Name              Bytes  
  499.                          ----- ---------------------- -------
  500.                            194 LW9411 MAC.SEA         450560
  501.                            184 LW9410 MAC.SEA         346624
  502.                            176 LW9409 MAC.SEA         425984
  503.                            163 LW9408 MAC.SEA         515200
  504.                            158 LW9407 MAC.SEA         390656
  505.                            147 LW9406 MAC.SEA         331392
  506.                            138 LW9405 MAC.SEA         472064
  507.                            134 LW9404 MAC.SEA         348416
  508.                            122 LW9403 MAC.SEA         323968
  509.                             98 LW0294 MAC.SEA         366080
  510.                             89 LW0194 MAC.SEA         421504
  513.                         * Library: 5 - Amiga Multimedia Issues *
  515.                            (NOTE: Beginning with the October
  516.                            issue, file 189 HELMBROWSER163.RUN
  517.                            [271104 bytes] is required to view
  518.                            the Amiga Multimedia Issues)
  520.                            No. File Name              Bytes  
  521.                          ----- ---------------------- -------
  522.                            195 LW9411_AMIGA.RUN       401152
  523.                            187 LW9410_AMIGA.RUN       355584
  524.                            172 LW9409_AMIGA.RUN       417024
  525.                            165 LW9408_AMIGA.RUN       403200
  526.                            156 LW9407_AMIGA.RUN       368896
  527.                            146 LW9406_AMIGA.RUN       418432
  528.                            142 LW9405_AMIGA.RUN       393344
  529.                            129 LW9404_AMIGA.RUN       497920
  530.                            119 LW9403_AMIGA.RUN       499712
  531.                             97 LWFEB94_AMIGA.RUN      499968
  532.                             92 LWJAN94_AMIGA.RUN      521216
  535.                       * Library: 7 - Apple IIgs Multimedia Issues *
  537.                            No. File Name              Bytes  
  538.                          ----- ---------------------- -------
  539.                            197 LW9411.IIGS.BSE        571392
  540.                            186 LW9410.IIGS.BSE        508544
  541.                            173 LW9409.IIGS.BSE        309632
  542.                            168 LW9408.IIGS.SEA        292992
  545. [eof]